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In Which Cascabel Tries Something New

One pomodoro, two pomodoro. My experiment begins today. The question is as follows. Does writing for an hour a day, every day, really improve your writing? I’m very interested in the answer. I write because it forces creativity. Creativity is an antidote to depression. Depression is my curse. It is always there just below the surface. If I give in to it, it can dominate my life. Creative pursuits keep the abyss at bay. I know it is not a cure all but it is an opposing force. Creativity functions like a stone jetty keeping an unstoppable ocean from eroding a coastline. Writing is not the only thing that works but it is the simplest. It does not require expensive equipment, it can be done even while you are busy with other things like doing the dishes or walking the dogs. In fact, most of my writing happens when I am away from the keyboard. I may hear a sentence or a phrase and immediately start building a story around it. I write all day long, every day. P

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